Students - Nosipho

Nosipho Khubeka

Qualification: Current BSc Chem student

Institution: University of the Western Cape

Year Completed: Currently studying

When I first heard of the YES Trust organisation from one of my teachers, I was in matric.  I was very nervous about my interview with YES Trust. It was my first and I did not know what was expected from me. But the patience and love they showed me at this interview helped calm my nerves.

Ever since that day I have received nothing from the YES Trust family but love, kindness and care. They have helped me a lot during my times of need, which I will always be grateful for.

I want to say thank you for making me be a part of this amazing family. I am so glad that I am part of it.  I love you all, from our leaders and mentors to the fellow students who are part of this family. Thank you.